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State Of Sparkle Author Coaching Logo in pink and orange
State of Sparkle Logo
Rachel Sarah Thurston stands in a doorway smiling. Her hair is in braids and she's wearing a turquoise dress w green silk top
State of Sparkle pink and blue logo

Author Branding,

Platform Building,

and Book Marketing 

Coaching for Authors

Helping YOU & YOUR
More Brightly In The World! 

As an Author Coach, I can help you:


ILLUMINATE your long-term goals.



following of readers.

CELEBRATE the impact that your stories
and books have on the world!

So that you and your stories can



Rachel's ability to customize her approach to meet us right where we are on our author's journey is truly commendable. With her guidance, our author brand and business now sparkle and are prominently

visible in the world.

Holly Kammier


The Struggle Of
"Author Overwhelm" Is Real,
My Friends.

Do you feel OVERWHELMED AND ALONE on your author's journey?

Do you wish you had MORE GUIDANCE along the way?

Are you feeling confused by the dizzying array of publishing options?

Do you have an amazing book that's going to be published or has already been published but you're struggling to connect with your ideal readers?



Do you feel like there's a missing component to your professional success?

Well, you're not alone. You've come to the right place! 
I've got ya covered!


I've Got Ya' Covered!

Helping you go from "stressed to blessed" on your author's journey!

As a fellow writer/author myself, I know how overwhelming the many roles are that you have to play on this creative journey. Your author brand is a business and many of us were ill-equipped for all that is needed to market ourselves in the world. 
I created this business several years ago because I saw a niche that needed to be filled. I LOVE working with fellow creatives and seeing them achieve success and experience the joy they have when they can share their gifts and stories with the world. 
I have a background in multiple fields (marketing and event promoting, graphic design, website design, photography branding, writing, publishing, teaching, and coaching). I've brought all of these skills together under this one magical umbrella so I can share what I've learned from these fields to help YOU and illuminate the path forward a little more brightly! 
I help authors set their long-term and short-term goals and identify the areas where they need the greatest need for support along their author's journey. Together, we create a plan for success so that you and your stories can get out into the world and make the impact you've dreamt of!

I'm a part branding and marketing mentor, part coach, and part effervescent cheerleader! I'm a BIG FAN of celebrating your wins every step along the way! 

Life is short and you were BORN TO SPARKLE!

I hope you can join me on this MAGICAL JOURNEY!

Sparkle On,
Rachel Sarah

*Feel free to sign up for my infrequent "State Of Sparkle" newsletter
(every 2-3 months) for building your Author Brand! 

**If you're interested in working with me, I invite you to book a complimentary Discovery Call with me to see if we might be a good fit.


*One-On-One Customized Author Coaching

Just a few of the things I assist
my clients with...

  • Identifying your AUTHENTIC AUTHOR BRAND

  • Helping you BUILD and GROW your AUTHOR PLATFORM

  • Setting your long-term and short-term goals professionally and creatively

  • Guidance around your PUBLISHING PATHWAY OPTIONS (traditional, small press, hybrid, and self-publishing) 

  • Helping you BUILD AND OPTIMIZE YOUR WEBSITE or streamline an already existing website for optimal exposure

  • PROOFREADING landing pages, website pages, newsletters, and blogs

  • Assessing SEO STRATEGIES (keywords and metatags) for your WEBSITE AND BLOGS

  • Identifying best KEYWORDS AND CATEGORIES on Amazon

  • Creating GRAPHIC DESIGN MARKETING MATERIALS (fliers, fb invites, bookmarks, postcards, business cards, website strips, etc)

  • Teaching you HOW TO LEVERAGE SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS like Facebook and Instagram to grow your author platform and reader following

  • Developing and GROWING YOUR EMAIL LIST

  • Helping you IDENTIFY BEST MEDIA OUTLETS (podcasts, newspapers, radio)

  • Creating a MEDIA PRESS KIT

  • EDITING assistance for narrative non-fiction articles

  • PITCHING for publications (magazines, newspapers, zines, anthologies)

  • Helping with QUERY LETTERS for publication

  • Assistance with BOOK SIGNINGS (both in-person and virtual) 


*Every client comes to be at different points on their author's journey. Each client has a different set of needs and challenges. I customize my coaching depending on my individual client's needs and long-term goals. 


I can't sing the praises loudly enough for Rachel's branding work...
Rachel's work has stood the test of time in my brand and I'm so grateful to her
for coming into my world.

Kris Seraphine

Author client Karen Custer Thurston (aka "The Woman On Fire) stands in a white dress with a turquoise wrap

Karen Custer Thurston
Writer, Blogger,
& World Traveler

From the time I began working with Rachel, I have felt that I am sipping from a sparkling foundation of creativity. No matter what I need, [from designing my website to focusing my brand to editing my stories for submission to tutoring me on Instagram] I have learned that Rachel has the answer, the wisdom, the guidance and the technological expertise to assist me. 

Headshot of "State of Sparkle" author client Angela Wick who is a business analyst and the founder of BA Cube

Angela Wick
Founder of BA-Cube
Global Expert in
Business Analysis

There's a spark of something magical that came about when Rachel came in to work with me. I think it's part of her coaching skills and energy, it gave me energy to see a path forward. [I’ve experienced] a180 degree shift of progress, of energy, of everything in my business now.”

Best-selling health and wellness author and speaker Caroline Deloreto smiling

Caroline Deloreto
Best-Selling Author
& Inspirational

Rachel has been an amazing cheerleader and an invaluable source of support on my  journey. She helped get my book the attention it needed to take off....I love to write but speaking at an event felt so overwhelming and Rachel took me under her wing. She gave me the courage and structure thorough interviewing me and set up a plan to make my dream come true of getting my book out to help the people who need it. I am so grateful!"

Award-winning travel and trauma author Connard Hogan smiles in front of a green background

Connard Hogan
Author & Adventurer

Without [Rachel’s] guidance I wouldn’t have been brave enough to take the next steps along my author journey. Throughout this entire process of expanding my author platform, Rachel's been an intrepid and effervescent cheerleader in my corner. We make a powerful TEAM and I look forward to seeing what we will create in the future together.

Get ReadyTo Sparkle!

"There's a spark of something magical that came about when Rachel
came in to work with me..."

Angela W.

Raves & Praise

In The Press

Women's Adventure Magazine Logo
Santa Barbara Magazine Logo
Los Angeles Times Logo
Food and Home Magazine Logo
The Writer Magazine Logo
The Santa Barbara Independent Logo
Travelers Tales Book Publishers Logo


University of Southern California Logo
School of Media Arts CCSB Logo
"top 50 national public university" logo
Miami University (Miami of Ohio) in Oxford, OH logo
Women's Economic Ventures (WEV) Logo
Association for Women In Communications


Santa Barbara Writers Conference Logo
Association for Women In Communication Logo
Santa Barbara Film Festival Logo
Chaucer's Bookstore Logo
Paradise Found Logo
ACT Logo


Nonfiction Writers Conference Logo
Women In Publishing Summit Logo
Logo for Book Passage Travel Writers Conference
Virtual Travel Writing Group (VTWG) Logo
Book Publishing Master Course by Carla King Logo
Book Launch In A Box Book Marketing Course Logo

Photo Credits:
Photo 1: Jay Farbman

Photo 2: Unsplash

Photo 3: P. Cabugos


Let’s Work Together

Are you interested in working with me?
What are you current author
branding and marketing needs? 
I'd love to talk more and see if we're a good fit! 

Thanks for reaching out!

I look forward to connecting with you.

*Please make sure to check your junkmail regularly to ensure my message won't be missed.

Pink and Blue Starburst Graphic

15 Minute
Discovery Call

Santa Barbara, California



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  • LinkedIn

About Me

Rachel Sarah Thurston smiles while she wears an off-white warm hat studded with rhinestones, a faux fur vest, and a mint top

Life is short and baby, you were born to sparkle! Whether you're a newer author/writer or have an already established author brand, I'm here to help you and your stories SHINE AND SPARKLE MORE BRIGHTLY in the world! Please feel free to shoot me an email to discuss more around your branding and marketing needs, my services, and to see if we're a good fit for each other.

Contact Me

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Mailing List

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© 2023 by Rachel Sarah Thurston | State Of Sparkle Media

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